View Profile volkain5

Age 39, Male


Joined on 5/27/07

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volkain5's News

Posted by volkain5 - November 29th, 2008

Here is an update for it:

Since millions of people normally ask this I wanted to clear this up once and for all
you can download a DBZ sound pack for free virus free and it will have every sound effect you could imagine, here:

Ok enjoy.

Posted by volkain5 - October 5th, 2008

Since millions of people normally ask this i wanted to clear this up once and for all
you can download a DBZ sound pack for free virus free and it will have every sound effect you could imagine, here:
DBZ Sound Pack (eSnips)
Ok enjoy.

Posted by volkain5 - September 27th, 2008

I finally released silver's true destiny part 2. part 3 finally explains the story, i wanted to focus more on fighting for part 2 and leave the finale and story explanation for part 3

Posted by volkain5 - September 15th, 2008

well i was virus scanning yesterdaya nd i thought working on ARA would freeze my comp, so instead i just did a quick spinoff episode. sofar it is 1:50 and i think it turned out pretty well.

Posted by volkain5 - September 2nd, 2008

i uploaded ara

Posted by volkain5 - August 16th, 2008

my internet went out again!!!! last night. so i made, another picture. here it is. view in high quality here

Internet was out again!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by volkain5 - July 25th, 2008

well heres a new M&L LoTaS pic i made out of boredom. u can also viiew it in higher detail here

New M&L LoTaS Pic

Posted by volkain5 - July 3rd, 2008

I was bored so i made this sig. and if that aint high enough detail look at it here

New Sonic Sig

Posted by volkain5 - June 14th, 2008

ok so more thunder storms. my internet went out again so i made a new pic ^^.
i decided to do a SSBB theme with Axem Rangers X From SMBZ. im pleased with the results. so heres what brawl might be like with axem rangers X
for better quality ( the blurrs on the spin got messed up in .gif format) go Here


Posted by volkain5 - June 8th, 2008

well the thunder storm seems to be over here in NJ. well when theres a thunder storm my internet goes out as a safety thing. anyways..... i was bored... so i decided to make a new sig for my M&L LoTaS series, and yes i didn't abandon it. so heres the sig. and those zero lovers and dbz fans, u can use this if u want.

New Zero Sig